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The Benefits of Crystal Sound Healing

Unlimited Access
On-Demand Sound Bath Recordings

Sound Baths For Stress, Anxiety, Sleep + More

Guided Meditations To Cultivate Inner Peace, Clarity + Resilience

Master Meditation Skills
Meditation Course by Lama Brian

Self Growth
Community learning
Experience Emotional, Physical & Mental Benefits of Sound Healing. On Demand.
Sound Healing is not just an act of self-care. Our Crystal Tones® Singing Bowls resonate deep in your body to connect your mind, body and soul, and alleviate stress, soothe physical tension, and calm the restless mind.
Experience profound relaxation and renewal as sound waves harmonize your energy, releasing blockages and restoring balance.
Find balance, peace and calm in your busy life.
Master Healers
Shannon van Staden and Lama Brian are Master Sound Healers, yoga and meditation teachers.
Their life long practices and understanding of mind and body have led to a deep passion for healing and community…
Their sound tracks, modules and live practices will help you make the mind, body, soul connection to uncover the most authentic version of yourself.
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