9” D#+10 Sacred Feminine Kudaka Island Salt, Lemon Aura Gold, Pink Aura Gold (Base) Alchemy™ Crystal Bowl

SKU 135099


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Guardian of Anciend Rituals, Nurturing, Healing, Joy, Presence, Enthusiasm For Life

Kudaka Island is a deeply sacred place among the archipelago of Japan’s Ryukyu islands. The power spot Fubo Utaki has been the site of an all-female ritual which took place every 12 years. It is said the deity Amamikiyo descended to the human realm on Kudaka’s Cape Kaberu.

Lemon Aura Gold centers your energy through joy and presence. Activate your passion and enthusiasm for life, and share your new zest for being with all around you.

1 x Sonic Wand and O-ring included.

  • Truetone


  • Size


  • Alchemy

    Sacred Feminine Kudaka Island Salt, Lemon Aura Gold, Pink Aura Gold

  • Note


  • Octave


  • Cents


  • Cents Group

    True Tone (-10 to +10)