9” D+10 Lemurian Seed, Pink Aura Gold, Frosted (Inside) Alchemy™ Crystal Bowl

SKU 138919


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Lemurian Star Bridge, Unification, Equality, Dimensions of the Heart, Grounded Love, Calmness

Lemurian Seed taps us into the world of Lemuria, where all information is stored from the beginnings of time. This is a very powerful tool in accessing other dimensional information and wisdom. Lemurian seed opens one to receiving divine downloads.

Pink Aura Gold (clear) is a high frequency alchemy that resonates love and the pure energy of the Magdalene. Bringing unconditional love, it activates the heart chakra energies encouraging healing and compassion, inspiring the mind to be more open and accepting.

1 x Sonic Wand and O-ring included.

  • Truetone


  • Size


  • Alchemy

    Lemurian Seed, Pink Aura Gold

  • Note


  • Octave


  • Cents


  • Cents Group

    True Tone (-10 to +10)